Course Overview

HLTAID009 - Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

This course will provide you with the knowledge and skills necessary to maintain breathing and circulation in an adult, child or infant following cardiac arrest. Content is based on Australian Resuscitation Council Guidelines.
Please note it is a requirement of this course that practical demonstration of CPR must be performed on the floor.


Course Duration & Structure

This course is delivered as a 4 hour workshop following which students will be assessed through the demonstration of practical skills, participation in role plays, analysis of case studies and a written quiz.

Entry Requirements

There are no pre requisites for this course, however students must be physically fit to perform CPR on the floor.


The following learning resources are provided to participants in this course:
Adult and infant resuscitation manikins
AED training device
Workplace injury, trauma and/or illness record, and/or other appropriate workplace incident report form


Course Outline

  • Legal and other issues
  • Cultural issues
  • Basic life support
  • Cardiopulmonary resuscitation and use of a automatic external defibrillator
  • Debriefing and welfare

Assistance is provided for people with disability including wheelchair access, access to welfare services, large learning spaces.



$60.00 (includes GST)
* A payment of AUD$20 might be required for the re-issuing of official academic transcript

How to apply

To apply for enrolment in this course please contact VASS College of Vocational Education below or feel free to come meet us in person. Our staff would love to talk with you about your study goals to determine the best course for you.